Managing Crisis in High Performing Sports Organisations
Time Zone: UK, Europe & North America
Wednesday 24th July 2024
Dr. Daryl Jones of Abilene Christian University is the author of ‘Sports Leaders, Sense-making, and Self-preservation: Uncovering the Real Crisis in Sport’. The research was designed to help us better understand the stressful environment within which sports leaders operate, the festering nature of crisis in sports, and how sports leaders deal with the critical aspects of these phenomena.
The outcomes of this session are to establish an effective reconceptualisation of what constitutes “crisis” in sports organisations. Identity organisational characteristics conducive to crisis. Learn behaviors and practices to promote a flourishing organisational culture.
To be eligible to attend you must work for a professional sports team or league, an international sports federation or governing body, or an academic institution offering sports-related subjects or a member of the NCAA and work in a professionally qualified sports performance focused role. This virtual roundtable will be most suitable for Heads and Directors of Performance or Sport Science, Heads of Strength & Conditioningand anyone responsible for working with athletes in their daily routines or throughout a season or year.
Leading the Session:
Dr. Daryl L. Jones, Vice President of Sport Leadership & Learning, Abilene Christian University-Dallas