Creating high performing and successful teams is a constant mission for sporting leaders. The North Star is sustaining that success. Recent research shows that there are some commonalities between organisations that have been able to achieve this, whilst regenerating their environments along the journey.


What will be discussed at the Summit?

We will look to engage in discussion with two leaders of successful organisations to unpick their perspectives and approaches to sustained performance. Key discussion points will explore their organisational leadership and where they have paid the most attention in their environments to make the most impact.


With performance challenges in elite sport becoming increasingly more complex, the notion of creative thinking and effective problem-solving are becoming crucial skills in modern day leadership and teams.


What will be discussed at the Summit?

At the Summit we will explore a case study of an organisation leading the way when it comes to solving problems and continued innovation. In an industry where solving problems quickly can gain a competitive advantage, we will seek how this is done outside of sport to provide us with fresh thinking and new perspectives to benchmark our own approaches.


‘The only sustainable competitive advantage is to learn faster than your competition and to be able to act on what you have learned’. These were the words of former GE Chief Executive Officer Jack Welch. In a landscape where technological innovations are ever-present, something we can control is how we learn and in turn, how we apply those learnings to support organisational performance.


What will be discussed at the Summit?

We will be hearing from an organisation that has prided itself on learning and using it as a competitive advantage for decades. We will seek to explore their philosophy, structures and tactics in sustaining a learning culture.


The growth of women’s sport isn’t slowing down and we are all aboard the train to ensure that the opportunities that are presented are taken advantage of. Despite this current momentum, we must strive to build organisations that allow women’s sport to be sustainable in the long-term.


What will be discussed at the Summit?

Leaning on the experiences of two leaders operating within women’s sport, we will explore how they are working to be sustainable organisations in their respective sports. We will also seek to explore what they feel is most important to get right and how they intend to design their programmes with the longevity of the athlete in mind.


Technology continues to evolve the way leaders within sport think and make decisions, and it is also beginning to have more influence on how coaches coach and athletes evaluate performance outcomes. What is on the horizon that may influence our environments and how do we best prepare to take advantage of this?


What will be discussed at the Summit?

In a hotbed for technological innovation, we will welcome an expert in the field to help us assess the state of play when it comes to innovations like artificial intelligence and what might be next on the radar to influence our organisations and performance programmes.

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