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Take a look at the 2024 Sport Performance Summit Los Angeles agenda to get a flavour of what might be on offer in 2025.

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Wednesday 12 June 2024
8:30 AM – 9:15 AM

Women’s Sport Breakfast

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Seattle Mariners

8:30 AM – 9:15 AM

Women’s Sport Breakfast

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The aim of the Women’s Sport Breakfast is to bring together high performance practitioners who are passionate about growing women’s sport and providing access for women in sport to network and learn from one another about the strides being made in the industry. The breakfast will be an opportunity to connect and have impactful conversations with those working on the front lines to progress women’s sports before transitioning to the Summit content.

Seattle Mariners

9:30 AM – 9:45 AM

Welcome & Action Planning

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9:30 AM – 9:45 AM

Welcome & Action Planning

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We’ll set the scene for the day and take the time to outline a plan of action to make the most out of the learnings from day one of the Summit. Within the action planning portion of our Summit welcome, we will be engaging in two short activities:

  • We will be asking you to benchmark yourselves and organisations around our current effectiveness on the different topics and aspects of performance we will be shining a spotlight on across the two days. How well do you think you are doing?
  • Secondly, to help inform the discussions we have at the end of the second day in our ‘High Performance Hack’ we will be asking everyone to submit a response to a key question in the event app. We would like to hear from everyone on their current biggest performance challenge right now?

9:45 AM – 10:15 AM

Session 1: Moonshot Thinking: Solving Problems Using Radical Innovation

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X, the Moonshot Factory

9:45 AM – 10:15 AM

Session 1: Moonshot Thinking: Solving Problems Using Radical Innovation

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With problems becoming more complex, the notion of creative thinking can impact communication and executing a vision; all problems faced by leaders across our world of sport, and other industries, on a daily basis. To enhance and encourage creativity and collaboration in your teams and organisations you need talent, healthy relationships, a clear vision, safety, trust, and much more. We’ll hear from an expert in the area of creativity and innovation, and delve into these areas to explore some world class examples from inside and outside of sport.


X, the Moonshot Factory

10:15 AM – 10:45 AM

Skills Session: Approaching Your ‘Moonshot’

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10:15 AM – 10:45 AM

Skills Session: Approaching Your ‘Moonshot’

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While some people may be more naturally creative, it is a skill we can all build and develop like a muscle. Our brains tendency is to create rules about the world around us, which means our existing knowledge and experience can actually undermine our ability to see new possibilities. As a follow on from the previous case study with one of the world’s best at problem-solving and innovation, we will be asking you to explore two key questions on your tables before we invite Jen back for some Q&A.

Following the short Q&A, we will also leave you with some further strategies that can help you innovate better in your organisations and environments.

11:15 AM – 11:50 AM

Session 2: It’s an Art: Learning Environments for Young Talent

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Westside School of Ballet

The UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music

Texas Rangers

11:15 AM – 11:50 AM

Session 2: It’s an Art: Learning Environments for Young Talent

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No matter which industry, if a young talented performer is starting to show the ability, potential and aspiration for higher performance levels, put a support structure round them is so important to their holistic development. We’ll look outside of sport to learn lessons from other talent development hotbeds, to compare and contrast how they nurture potential in their worlds. From mentoring and reflective practice, to creating pressure and learning from failure, this will be a blueprint on how to develop emerging talent.


Westside School of Ballet

The UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music

Texas Rangers

11:50 AM – 12:15 PM

Interactive Roundtable: How Can We Enhance Our Talent Development Process?

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11:50 AM – 12:15 PM

Interactive Roundtable: How Can We Enhance Our Talent Development Process?

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As a follow on from the previous session, we will look to use the insights to stimulate discussion on your table around your current approach to talent development. From the conversations shared from the speakers, what is similar and different to your current philosophy for developing talent? 

12:15 PM – 13:45 PM

Empowering the Frontline: Strategies for Recognizing and Mitigating Harm in High Performance

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12:15 PM – 13:45 PM

Empowering the Frontline: Strategies for Recognizing and Mitigating Harm in High Performance

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In this lunchtime Masterclass, brought to you by our event partners EPIC, we’ll be exploring:

  • How you can efficiently recognise signs of harm, as early as possible
  • Arming yourself with the skills to enable effective intervention & provide positive, comprehensive support with your athletes
  • How to implement sustainable solutions, to promote positive outcomes

Spaces for this Masterclass are allocated largely by invite, but if you think you’d find value in joining the conversation, please email [email protected] to enquire about attending.

12:15 PM – 13:45 PM

Artificial Intelligence and its Permeation into the High-Performance Spectrum

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New Jersey Devils

12:15 PM – 13:45 PM

Artificial Intelligence and its Permeation into the High-Performance Spectrum

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In this lunchtime Masterclass, brought to you by our partners Peak AI, we’ll be exploring:

  • How a high performance AI model can lead to a ‘zero-injury’ season
  • Unpacking the data driven opportunities post-game and in real-time.
  • Using AI for your athletes psychological monitoring, through natural language processing

Spaces for this Masterclass are allocated largely by invite, but if you think you’d find value in joining the conversation, please email [email protected] to enquire about attending.


New Jersey Devils

12:00 PM – 16:30 PM

The Fundamentals of Human Performance Series

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Invite Only
12:00 PM – 16:30 PM

The Fundamentals of Human Performance Series

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Private invite-only workshop, brought to you by Keiser and consisting of three presentation sessions and interactive roundtables discussions. Register to attend.

Invite Only
13:50 PM – 14:20 PM

Session 3: Leading Women: What Next? Creating Sustainable Organisations in Women’s Sport

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Bay FC

Golden State Valkyries

13:50 PM – 14:20 PM

Session 3: Leading Women: What Next? Creating Sustainable Organisations in Women’s Sport

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Women’s sport has made huge strides in recent years, but there is still so much work to be done to ensure the careers of women athletes, their organisations, and the sports in general are sustainable in the long term. We’ll use this session to highlight the successes and strides in women’s high performance over the last 12-18 months, but also ask the question, what next? We’ll explore what women in leadership, and their allies, across elite sport can do as a collective high performance community to make the biggest impact across the industry.

Bay FC

Golden State Valkyries

14:20 PM – 14:50 PM

Interactive Roundtable: How do we Sustain the Growth of Women’s High Performance Sport?

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14:20 PM – 14:50 PM

Interactive Roundtable: How do we Sustain the Growth of Women’s High Performance Sport?

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We’ll be reflecting on the learnings from the previous session, and give you the opportunity to unpack them with the peers around your table. We’ll also use the insights from the session to aid your discussions around how to make women’s sport organisation setup for success.


15:10 PM – 15:40 PM

Session 4: Golden State Leadership: Creating and Sustaining a Successful Team

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Red Bull

‘The Leading Edge’

15:10 PM – 15:40 PM

Session 4: Golden State Leadership: Creating and Sustaining a Successful Team

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A key role leaders have is to help shape and implement positive and clear values in the organisation – this is one of the first steps to potential success and can act as a platform to what follows. A leader’s job is to do whatever they can to create an optimal environment to get the best out of every individual, and the team as a whole, and to encourage them to speak up about what is getting in the way on that journey, too. We’ll welcome a senior leader who has been on this journey, to get their opinions and advice on how they’ve approached this themselves.

Red Bull

‘The Leading Edge’

15:40 PM – 16:15 PM

Session 5: Building Robust & World-Class Strategy: LA28 Case Study

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United States Olympic and Paralympic Properties

Red Bull

15:40 PM – 16:15 PM

Session 5: Building Robust & World-Class Strategy: LA28 Case Study

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As we bring day one to a close, we’ll explore another case study of success from the City of Angels. Back in September 2017 Los Angeles was awarded the 2028 Olympic Games. Our aim is to unpack this session with the individual who led the bidding process, exploring the art of building, reviewing, communicating and executing a world-class strategy.


United States Olympic and Paralympic Properties

Red Bull

16:15 PM – 16:25 PM

Day One Reflections

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16:15 PM – 16:25 PM

Day One Reflections

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We’ll take time to debrief at the end of the session, and ensure you have a clear plan of action to take into Day 2, as well as looking at how we can implement today’s learnings back into your organisations.

The aid that reflection, we will get into small groups of threes with those you haven’t been sitting with at your table to discuss three questions:

  • Most useful insights?
  • How can you apply these insights in your environment?
  • What is one topic od theme you’d like to do some more thinking around from today’s conversations?

16:30 PM – 18:30 PM

Networking Drinks

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16:30 PM – 18:30 PM

Networking Drinks

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We’ll finish the day with some drinks, giving you the opportunity to connect and reconnect with peers and friends at the end of the afternoon and into the evening. This will be held at the venue.

Thursday 13 June 2024
8:15 AM – 9:15 AM

The “Connected Club”: The Key to Unlocking Performance

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Kitman Labs

Angel City FC

8:15 AM – 9:15 AM

The “Connected Club”: The Key to Unlocking Performance

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In this Working Breakfast, brought to you by our event partners Kitman Labs, we’ll be exploring:

  • The emergence of the ‘whole club data-strategy’ and how to leverage data & analytics to unlock player potential
  • How to unify data, people and processes to achieve specific medical and performance goals
  • Centralising technology and shared infrastructure to power club-wide, evidence-based decision-making

Spaces for this Masterclass are allocated largely by invite, but if you think you’d find value in joining the conversation, please email [email protected] to enquire about attending.

Kitman Labs

Angel City FC

9:30 AM – 9:45 PM

Welcome & Action Planning

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9:30 AM – 9:45 PM

Welcome & Action Planning

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We’ll set the scene for the day and take the time to outline a plan of action to make the most out of the learnings from day two of the Summit. 

9:45 AM – 10:15 AM

Session 1: The Leading Edge – Being the Leader You and Your Team Needs You to Be

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‘The Leading Edge’

9:45 AM – 10:15 AM

Session 1: The Leading Edge – Being the Leader You and Your Team Needs You to Be

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Exploring 15 years of research into empowered leaders and combining this insight with the modern day organisation, what does real leadership look like in the current landscape? People are facing complexity and challenges from different directions, so how are we preparing for this? In this session we will explore insights and frameworks for leaders to create meaningful change in their environment, but most importantly ensure they are in their best place and mindset to set them and their teams up for success.


‘The Leading Edge’

10:15 AM – 10:40 AM

Skills Session: Reviewing Your Current Leadership

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10:15 AM – 10:40 AM

Skills Session: Reviewing Your Current Leadership

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As a follow on from the previous session focused on evaluating modern day leadership, we will take the opportunity to reflect on our own leadership and seek to identify the gaps in our current approach and that of the suggestions for effective future leadership. We will engage in a self-reflective exercise and as an extension, a ‘leadership promise’ around what others should expect from us, thus highlighting some clear areas for action we have as leaders.

11:10 AM – 11:40 AM

Session 2: Changing the Game: The State of Play and Future of Sports Tech

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Central Queensland University

11:10 AM – 11:40 AM

Session 2: Changing the Game: The State of Play and Future of Sports Tech

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Technology continues to evolve the way leaders within sport think and make decisions, and it also gives coaches and athletes ways to analyze and experience the game like they couldn’t do before. From an athlete’s perspective, how can technology help them and their teammates perform at their peak level? We’ll dedicate some time in the day to assess the state of play when it comes to innovations like artificial intelligence, and also look at what’s next to make an impact at the intersection of innovation and performance.


Central Queensland University

11:40 AM – 12:10 PM

Interactive Roundtable: What Technologies Are Having the Most Impact?

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11:40 AM – 12:10 PM

Interactive Roundtable: What Technologies Are Having the Most Impact?

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As a follow on from the previous session, we hope you have begun to evaluate the impact of the technologies you utilise in your environment. Leaning on some of the considerations and stimulus from the presentation, we will be engaging in some roundtable conversations to discuss which specific technologies and innovations are having the most impact in the here and now and what might be on the horizon which could influence elements of our programmes.

12:10 PM – 13:40 PM

Building and Sustaining Thriving High Performance Environments

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U.S. Ski & Snowboard


12:10 PM – 13:40 PM

Building and Sustaining Thriving High Performance Environments

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In this Masterclass, brought to you by our Main Partners, Keiser, we’ll be exploring:

  • Key strategies for managing a diverse team of professionals…how do you create cooperation and interdisciplinary collaboration?
  • How do you push the boundaries but not endanger? How do you ensure you are constantly evolving and balance that with what is “working?
  • How do we create an environment that athletes and staff don’t just work in, but thrive in.

Spaces for this Masterclass are allocated largely by invite, but if you would like to join the conversation, please email [email protected] to enquire about attending.


U.S. Ski & Snowboard


13:50 PM – 14:30 PM

Session 3: Pressure Point: Training for Those Critical Moments

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Professional Surfer

National Basketball Association

13:50 PM – 14:30 PM

Session 3: Pressure Point: Training for Those Critical Moments

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How do you train for critical moments in sport? How much is luck and intuition, and how much is training or immaculate judgement? It takes a certain type of person to keep calm under that intense pressure and thrive in these intense conditions – and usually the world’s best athletes are these types of people. We’ll hear from one of the world’s best performers discuss strategic thinking, trusting intuition and managing risk.


Professional Surfer

National Basketball Association

14:30 PM – 15:30 PM

Session 4: High Performance Hack

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14:30 PM – 15:30 PM

Session 4: High Performance Hack

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Having collated the challenges you’re trying to shift the dial on in 2024, we’re going to run a braintrust on each of the top 10. You’ll be working together in small groups across different environments to understand the issue, brainstorm options and agree top 3 recommendations. This is your chance to support one another, share thinking and challenge perspectives to drive performance outcomes.

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