Inclusion, diversity and belonging from grassroots to international level leading to impact has always been a driver throughout Laura’s 20 plus-year sports development career. A dynamic, innovative, and authentic leadership approach with passion for showcasing the power of sport, has brought significant impact in all professional and voluntary endeavours across GB, NZ and USA.
With a development focus, the exploration of solutions to challenge barriers has proven to be successful throughout Laura’s career across National Governing Body, Charity, Local Authority and Sports Trust networks.
Laura joined Special Olympics GB as a volunteer coach in her local area in 2007 whilst holding a role as a Local Authority Sports Development Officer in her early career. Over the years, Laura has held various voluntary positions for the organisation from Coach to Head of Delegation for the 180 strong, TeamSOGB at the 2019 World Summer Games in Abu Dhabi and was awarded with an MBE for Services to Special Olympics in 2022.
Throughout Laura’s career she has successfully advocated, influenced, and engaged with a wide range of external stakeholders from national government and regulators, national and international bodies and federations of sport to local communities, members, commercial organisations and other sports agencies. This has helped position the organisations as credible and trusted partners in various realms.
Laura has been part of the Leadership team at SOGB in a full-time capacity since 2019 where she has played a part in significant transformation through strategy development, budget, resource management, strategic decision making and practical application and keeping people at the heart of all decision making by giving people a voice.
Laura has been a constant for SOGB over the last 4 years and is the Strategic Director for Growth & Legacy where she is an integral part of shaping the organisation for the next phase of development including Network, Sport and Events and is leading the bid for Special Olympics GBs ambition to host a Special Olympics World Summer Games in GB.
Laura lives in Scotland with husband Stevie, daughter Mia and Labrador Ralfie. She is a board director with the Richard Whitehead Foundation and GB Disability Football Association, both want to enable disabled peoples’ ambitions and provide equitable opportunities in sport and physical activity. She also supports and advises a Stroke rehabilitation group in her local area who provide opportunities to stroke survivors to have a life after stroke.