The Purpose

The Contemporary Trends Community provides an action orientated space for those leading performance environments to explore and stay ahead of the high-performance curve. It brings together those from different sports around the world leading the strategic direction of the development of athletes and environments, to assess the current state of play in high performance and examine the trends that will lead to better performance outcomes.

The community not only provides the opportunity to share, learn and collaborate with some of the brightest minds in high performance, but provides additional learning opportunities to validate thinking and support actions being implemented in your own environments.


Who’s It For?

This community is for those who are leading the strategic direction for the development of athletes and performance environments, therefore roles that will be invited to join include: Performance Director, Director of High Performance, Head of Performance, General Manager and Academy Director.

If you feel you match this profile and are interested in learning more, please register here.

What’s Coming Up?

Upcoming community calls and accompanying virtual learning sessions.

Join Us

Register to Join the Community

Complete this form to register your interest in joining the Contemporary Trends in High Performance Community group.

To be eligible to join the community, you must work for a professional sports team or league, an international sports federation or governing body, or an academic institution offering sports-related subjects and leading the strategic direction for the development of athletes and performance environments.