Turnstile is the global market leader in the provision of fair market price sponsorship valuations.
We don’t just value the media, or Exposure, assets. We’ve built a best-in-class approach to valuing the Intellectual Property of the rights holders, as well as all the tangible Benefits rights. Our work is underpinned by rates sourced from over USD $3bn in global sponsorship valuations we’ve completed to date.
Over the past two decades the sponsorship industry has become overly reliant on ‘media equivalency’ as a means of quantifying value. However, as the name suggests, this approach was developed not for sponsorship pricing but as a way for marketers to compare the effectiveness of different media buys.
The industry is now seeking credible, accurate and defensible valuations that reflect the actual market value, or recommended transaction value, of the assets. Turnstile was created to meet this industry need.
Our approach is premised on using market rates sourced directly from the sponsorship industry and applying them to a valuation methodology built for the modern sponsorship era.
If you value your sponsorships, value them properly.